
32 Ideas for Husband’s Birthday to Make Him Feel Special

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Get inspired to plan a memorable occasion your other half will love with these ideas for your husband’s birthday, and fill his special day with joy, excitement, and plenty of memories.

32 Best Ideas for Husband's Birthday to Make Him Feel Special (ideas 1-14 listed below).

Romantic Ideas

1. Weekend Getaway

If your other half is always talking about how much he misses the bars in Munich or the beautiful views in Paris, why not whisk him away for a little weekend getaway?

This one might take a bit of planning in advance, so bonus points if you manage to keep it a surprise!

2. Boat Trip

What man hasn’t dreamed of steering his own boat out into open waters and heading for the promised land?

Let your husband live out his childhood boat-captain fantasies with a fun boat ride.

Whether you rent a small boat at your local park’s lake or head out into the sea, it’ll surely make for a memorable birthday.

3. Private Dinner

Upgrade the candlelit dinner to a private dinner. Many restaurants offer private dining, where you can enjoy being seated in a separate section of the restaurant and take advantage of the quiet and intimacy for a romantic date.

Treat your husband to a slap-up three-course dinner in a restaurant with private dining – you’ll both feel like a million bucks!

4. Name a Star or Constellation After Him, then Go Stargazing

Did you know that you can buy up certain stars and constellations and then name them after whatever you like?

For a truly romantic gesture, name a constellation after your husband and then spend his birthday evening stargazing in a local beauty spot together. Make sure to take some blankets and flasks for this one! 

Related: Romantic Surprises to Make the Man in Your Life Feel Special

Creative and Unique Ideas

5. Fake Documentary

This can be a fun one if you can secure the collaboration of his friends and family!

If you’re handy with a video camera (or even just your phone and some basic editing software), make a fake documentary profiling the life of your husband.

Incorporate his friends and family for interviews for big laughs, and if you really want to go the extra mile, even try to bag a little soundbite from his boss.

Arrange a surprise viewing party with all his loved ones and let the laughs roll in.

6. Make a Video Montage of your Photos and Videos Together

If you want to offer your husband a gift that can’t be replicated with money, put together a video with all your best memories and put it to some of his favorite music.

You’ll both love watching it together and reliving all your best memories as a married couple.  

7. Go Glamping

As much as men love to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to a camping trip, when it comes to their birthday, it should be their turn to relax. So, take the hassle out of a camping trip and go glamping instead!

With luxury cabins and cozy padded tents already up and ready to use, all that’s left for you both to do is roast the marshmallows and crack out a bottle of wine!

8. Whiskey Tasting Session

If your husband’s go-to tipple is the strong stuff, treat him to a fun whiskey-tasting session at a local whiskey specialist.

9. Cooking Class

If you’re both fans of Gordon Ramsay and feel like giving him a run for his money, why not go take a cooking class together?

You might not learn how to be a Michelin-star chef overnight, but you’ll both pick up some helpful tips and improve your abilities in the kitchen. Homemade croissants, anyone?

Read more: Fun Online Cooking Classes to Try

Thoughtful Ideas

10. Tickets to his Favorite Sports Team

Treat your other half to tickets to see his favorite sports team – and show him you care by going along with him. Even if you don’t enjoy the sport, there are always the half-time hot dogs to look forward to!

11. Cook his Favorite Meal

When it comes to making an effort for your husband’s birthday, it’s the thought that counts. Right?

Even if you’re no Julia Child, you’ll make his day if you whip him up his favorite meal for his birthday dinner. If his favorite meal is eggs on toast, you might want to spruce it up a little with some chives and salmon. Get creative!

12. Spa Day

If your husband is in need of some TLC, treat him to a relaxing spa day.

While he might initially be reluctant to imagine himself being rubbed with aromatherapy stones, he’ll soon change his mind when it comes to the hot tub and the sauna! 

13. Private Viewing of his Favorite Movie

If you live near a private movie theater, you might be lucky enough to bag a private viewing of a movie.

If your husband is a film buff and loves it when you have your date nights at the cinema, he’ll love the intimacy of a private movie screening.

Some privately-owned cinemas will even do showings of requested films if you ask nicely* (*pay a hefty fee – but hey, it’s his birthday!)

Fun Ideas

14. Helicopter Ride

What man hasn’t imagined himself in a helicopter, steering his squad away from danger just like in his favorite video games?

While a private helicopter ride won’t be as Call of Duty as he might wish, it still makes for a fun, thrilling way to spend his birthday.

15. Rent a Fancy Car

If a helicopter isn’t quite your husband’s taste, why not rent out a fancy sports car and go for a spin?

Take the car along a local beach road with the top down and blare some music – just make sure to be careful with it!

16. Skydiving and Bungee Jumping

Is your husband a bit of a thrill-seeker? Does he love adventure and the great outdoors? If so, why not treat him to a bit of skydiving or bungee jumping?

It’s a great activity for both of you to cross off your bucket lists and promises for a fun-filled (if somewhat nerve-wracking) birthday experience.

17. Tickets to his Favorite Comedian

Spend the evening laughing with two tickets to your husband’s favorite comedian, and enjoy a rib-tickling evening of jokes, stories, and witty one-liners. 

18. Go Dancing 

Whether you opt for your favorite club or a real dancing class, there’s nothing more intimate than going dancing together for your husband’s birthday.

So long as he doesn’t drink too much and tries to recreate the final scene from Dirty Dancing, you’ll probably both have a great night out! 

19. Go Chocolate Tasting

Does your husband have a sweet tooth? Do you? If so, treat your hubby (and yourself!) to a fun chocolate-tasting session at your local chocolatier.

Sample all kinds of artisan delights and delicacies, and head home with full bellies and a bag full of homemade chocolate.

At-Home Ideas

20. Garden Party

If you have a garden and your husband’s birthday falls on a hot spring or summer day, why not organize a fancy garden party for the occasion?

Make up a buffet full of finger food and organize a champagne fountain as the stunning centerpiece – you and your husband will love it!

21. Surprise BBQ

Just like camping, men love to get their hands dirty when it comes to being the kings of the BBQ.

For your husband’s birthday, let him take a seat and relax for a change whilst you head up barbecue duty, offering up some grilled delights for your husband and his friends and loved ones.

22. Homemade Pizza Night

You don’t need to order takeout or go to a local pizzeria to celebrate your husband’s birthday the Italian way – simply get creative at home!

Buy some dough in bulk (making your own is too messy – you don’t want to spend half the day cleaning up flour stains) and buy every possible topping you can think of.

Arrange the toppings on a counter and let your husband make his own VIP fantasy pizza. Pair it with a couple of beers, and he’ll be content.

23. At-Home Massage and Spa Day

If you haven’t got the means to go for a spa day at a hotel or clinic, treat your husband to a DIY massage and spa day at home.

Make use of your face masks, body scrubs, and get the foot bath bubbling. Give your husband a massage with some aromatherapy oils to really imitate an authentic spa experience.

Whilst he might love the sensation of being pampered, he might nonetheless ask you to keep his pore-unclogging face mask a secret from his friends.

If you need some ideas, our DIY at-home spa ideas will give you plenty of inspiration to design a memorable spa day from the comfort of your own home.

24. Scavenger Hunt

What’s better than one gift? Lots of little mini gifts! Create a birthday-themed scavenger hunt for your husband in the house, hiding little trinkets and treats all over the place for him to find and open.

You can get creative with the clues and have fun watching your husband scramble around looking for the goodies!

Budget-Friendly (Cheap or Free) Ideas

25. Breakfast in Bed

What’s more classic as a birthday treat than breakfast in bed?

Let your husband wake up on his birthday to the alluring smell of his favorite breakfast – whether it be pancakes, a full fry-up, or some classic eggs on toast.

If you’re feeling fancy, opt for an eggs benedict and serve it with some orange juice and champagne. Luxury!

26. Picnic in the Park

If you’re on a budget and want to take your husband out for his birthday, the classic picnic in the park remains a reliable option.

Pack some of his favorite foods and snacks – we’re talking his favorite sandwiches, some quiche, some sweet desserts, and a pack of beer – and take up camp in a local beauty spot.

Whether you head for a local park or lakeside, know that you can still offer your husband a fun, thoughtful birthday without breaking the bank.

Read more: 100+ Picnic Food Ideas You Will Love for Any Occasion

27. Go Hiking 

If your husband is a real nature-lover, show him you care by accompanying him on a hike for his birthday.

Head to a local beauty spot and – for an upgraded hike – take some champagne in a flask with you to celebrate together when you reach the peak! But just one glass – there’s still the walk back home to accomplish!

28. Go to the Beach and have a Romantic Takeaway in Front of the Sea

If you’re lucky enough to live near a beach, take advantage of it for times when you need to plan something fun on a budget. Who doesn’t love the beach, right?

Take your husband to the beach promenade and buy him some classic takeaway food to enjoy as you both contemplate the waves.

Whilst it’s not a three-course dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant, your husband will appreciate the gesture, and you’ll both enjoy a retro-style dinner date. 

Related: 100+ Things to Do at the Beach (Bucket List)

Last-Minute Ideas

29. Afternoon Tea

What’s fancier than a bit of afternoon tea to class up an ordinary birthday? If you haven’t had time to book a fancy restaurant and nowhere is free, why not try afternoon tea at a local cafe?

Afternoon tea is fancy enough to merit a birthday treat but still easily available without the need for a booking.

Related: Fun Tea Party Ideas for Adults (Activities, Games, and More)

30. Movie Marathon of his Favorite Films

This option is great for budget birthdays but also works well if you’re struggling to find a last-minute party idea for your other half.

Whatever movie franchise or movie genre your husband loves the most, spend his birthday evening having a movie marathon.

If you have the time and want to upgrade your movie night to a home cinema night, buy a cheap popcorn maker and serve freshly popped popcorn throughout the night. Beer and takeout pizza also works, too.

31. Take Him Shopping for Outfits for the Evening

This is a fun one! Take your husband shopping and let him choose both his own outfit and an outfit for you to wear that evening. You’ll have fun choosing and trying on clothes together.

32. Go for Cocktails in a Fancy Restaurant or Hotel

If you’re looking for a special idea but running out of time, why not head to your fanciest local hotel or restaurant and spend the evening sipping expensive cocktails?

You usually won’t need a booking for a regular bar, and it’s still a luxury treat for your other half.

Don’t let another birthday slip by with a generic celebration.

With a little thought and planning, you can celebrate his birthday in style, and both of you can have an amazing time together, with family or with friends and loved ones.

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Is your husband’s birthday on the horizon? Keep these great ideas for safekeeping by saving them to one of your Pinterest boards.

32 Best Ideas for Husband's Birthday to Make Him Feel Special (ideas 1-14 listed above).

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