
8 Printable Blank Calendar Templates to Organize Your Life Today

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Plot, plan, and account for every day of the month with our blank calendar template printables, ideal for printing off and filling in for any month of any year.

Blank Calendar Templates (mockup image).

That feeling of getting a brand-new calendar is always great. However, a set calendar is only good for that one month or the whole year, before it needs to be replaced over and over again.

With your very own blank calendar template, you only need one printable that you can print off and fill in as many times as you like for any given month.

Our templates are super easy to use and give you total freedom to use the calendar in a way that best suits you. Whether it be for 2024 or any year in the future, you’ll no longer need to keep getting brand-new calendars if you opt for one of our downloadable blank calendars.

Free Blank Calendar Template

Our simple free blank calendar is ideal if you want to get up and running today with minimal fuss. Each day is color-coded, and the 6×7 grid format gives you all the space you need to account for every day in a given month.

Free Blank Calendar Template (mockup image).
Get it here

Premium Blank Calendar Template Set x8

If you want plenty of design options, or would prefer the extra space for a calendar month that only requires a 5×7 grid, take a good look at our premium blank calendar template set.

Premium blank calendar template set (mockup image).

This calendar template set gives you the following:

  • 1x simple 5×7 calendar
  • 1x simple 6×7 calendar
  • 1x lined 5×7 calendar
  • 1x lined 6×7 calendar
  • 1x calendar with notes 5×7
  • 1x calendar with notes 6×7
  • 1x portrait 5×7 calendar
  • 1x portrait 6×7 calendar
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Quickly, if you’re wondering why we offer both 5×7 and 6×7 grid calendars, it all comes down to the start date of a given month.

All our calendars run from Sunday to Saturday or Monday to Sunday, so if a given month’s start date is very late in the week e.g. a Friday, 5 rows of 7 may not be enough to cover all 30 or 31 days.

If you’re ready to discover more, let’s take a closer look at all the templates available in this printables pack.

Simple 5×7

Our simple 5×7 calendar is so easy to use. You can write in the month and year, the date of every day, and decide how you want the calendar to run.

You can write in the days of the week Sunday to Saturday, Monday to Sunday, or any combination you like.

This blank canvas gives you so much autonomy, and the 5×7 grid gives you more space to write notes and reminders for certain days.

Simple 5x7 calendar template (mockup image).

Simple 6×7

Our simple 6×7 calendar runs from Sunday to Saturday, so all you need to do is fill in the month and dates and you’re good to start using it.

With a beautiful rainbow palette, this gorgeous printable can take pride and place on your notice board or desk once you’ve printed it off.

Simple 6x7 calendar template (mockup image).

Lined 5×7

If you like to keep your notes and reminders on your calendar organized or like to write more than one or two words, our lined 5×7 can be your best friend when it comes to planning your whole month.

It runs from Sunday to Saturday, and both those days are greyed. That means you can quickly differentiate between your weekday and weekend activities and reminders.

Lined 5x7 calendar template (mockup image).

Lined 6×7

For total control, our lined 6×7 calendar template allows you to choose when the week runs from and set whatever month or year it is.

You have a 6×7 grid to cover months starting on any day, and the lined grid boxes allow you to keep your notes in a neat and organized way.

Lined 6x7 calendar template (mockup image).

Blank Calendar with Notes 5×7

With space to run the week from whatever day you like, our blank calendar with notes gives you that extra section of space to get specific about tasks and reminders.

A notes section is a great addition to any calendar. It allows you to go beyond one or two-word reminders, and put very specific details that need to be remembered.

Complete with a beautiful rainbow color header, this is a calendar that gives you so much control when it comes to planning the month.

Blank calendar with notes 5x7 template (mockup image)

Blank Calendar with Notes 6×7

Running from Sunday to Saturday, this beautiful notes calendar has a 6×7 grid. This way you can cover any month on any start date while still having the extra room from the notes section to add important information.

The rainbow theme adds a lovely dash of color to your notice board or desk, and the blank sections allow you to use it for any month of any year.

Blank calendar with notes 6x7 template (mockup image)

Portrait 5×7

While most calendars are designed in landscape format, as you can see below portrait format calendars can be just as effective.

The elongated grid gives you plenty of space for bullet-pointed notes, and everything from the dates to the days is customizable. Have fun filling this stylish calendar in and getting everything in order.

Portrait 5x7 calendar template (mockup image)

Portrait 6×7

With its gorgeous rainbow theme, our 6×7 portrait calendar not only covers you for all months but also looks great in any office or on any notice board.

Great if you enjoy working in portrait format, this style of calendar is ideal if you use it for putting down one or two-word reminders.

Portrait 6x7 calendar template (mockup image)
Get it here

If you’re tired of having to constantly buy new calendars, maybe blank calendars is the life hack you’ve been waiting for all this time.

With these super stylish and simple templates, you have a multi-use format. You can either laminate the calendar and wipe it down at the end of the month, or simply print off another and add in the dates accordingly.

For a little more effort, you can quickly be on your way to organizing your days, months, and years in an effective and cost-efficient way.

We really hope you enjoy using these blank calendar templates, and help you stay informed, organized, and on top of the challenges that life brings.

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Ready to have total control over your calendars? Keep our blank templates for safekeeping by pinning this article to one of your ‘Printables’ or ‘Templates’ boards.

Blank calendar template (mockup image) pin.

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