
100+ Best “Would you Rather?” Questions

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Spice up a first date, family gathering, or friendly conversation with these “would you rather?” questions, and get ready for lots of intrigue and a few laughs along the way.

Would you rather questions (questions 1-14 listed below)


Use these questions to bring some fun, thoughtful topics into the conversation while still keeping things casual and light-hearted.

1. Would you rather be able to see into the future or travel back into the past?

2. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals or be able to fly?

3. Would you rather have green hair for the rest of your life or have to always wear green clothes for the rest of your life?

4. Would you rather have a speech bubble above your head transcribing your thoughts or be incapable of lying? 

5. Would you rather never have a haircut again for the rest of your life or never have a shower again for the rest of your life?

6. Would you rather be able to predict the future or read people’s minds?

7. Would you rather win the lottery or have the superpower of becoming invisible whenever you wanted?

8. Would you rather be the protagonist of your favorite movie or the protagonist of your favorite book?

9. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control other people’s thoughts (but not their actions)? 

10. Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or spend a week camping in the desert alone? 

11. Would you rather be an international secret agent or the President’s assistant?

12. Would you rather have your perfect, ideal body forever or have the perfect mind and perfect memory forever?

13. Would you rather never worry again but have green hair or worry about everything but have your ideal physical body?

Interesting & Unique

Get ready to ditch the status quo and take the conversation to some very interesting places. These questions are sure to get whoever you’re talking to thinking long and hard.

14. Would you rather have a pet animal with whom you could communicate or own your own chocolate factory?

15. Would you rather pay a 95% tax rate for a perfect society with zero crime or pay a 0% tax rate for a society ridden with inequality and crime? 

16. Would you rather be a rich person in a medieval society or an average-income person in a modern society? 

17. Would you rather travel the world in luxury for free but be accompanied by your worst enemy or have a weekend luxury break just for yourself? 

18. Would you rather have a child who is famous or a parent who is famous?

19. Would you rather meet your favorite artist, and upon meeting them realize that they hate you or have your memory wiped of all said artist’s work?

20. Would you rather relive your childhood or relive your teenage years?

21. Would you rather be incarnated as a lion but be kept in a zoo or be reincarnated as a smaller, less powerful animal but live freely in the wild?

22. Would you rather never celebrate Christmas or never celebrate your birthday?

23. Would you rather be ultra-rich in a poor society or comfortable in an equal society?

24. Would you rather go back in time and start your life over from the age of 10 and make different decisions (with the knowledge that you are repeating your life) or fast forward to your 50s knowing you’ll have a guaranteed good life?

25. Would you rather live your teenage years in the 1960s or the 1980s? 

26. Would you rather go back in time and stop Hitler or go back in time and do whatever you wanted?

27. Would you rather spend the rest of your life with the first person you kissed or spend the rest of your life with the last person you kissed? 


Try these easy questions with someone you’re not too familiar with, such as a first date. They’ll help move the conversation along, without you both having to think too much.

28. Would you rather live in Paris or New York?

29. Would you rather eat pizza or ice cream for every meal?

30. Would you rather be the tallest person in the world or the smallest?

31. Would you rather give up coffee or tea?

32. Would you rather live in a penthouse or a castle?

33. Would you rather have perfect vision or perfect hearing?

34. Would you rather spend a day at the beach or spend a day shopping?

35. Would you rather climb a mountain or scuba dive in the ocean?

36. Would you rather have a hot tub in your back garden or a swimming pool in your house?

37. Would you rather be an accomplished athlete or an accomplished academic?

38. Would you rather be able to predict the future or read people’s minds? 

39. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?


With pros and cons to whatever answer you pick, these harder “would you rather?” questions could potentially have you debating for hours on end!

40. Would you rather travel to space or travel back in time?

41. Would you rather run through your local city naked or retake all your school years, including every exam?

42. Would you rather present a PowerPoint slideshow of your lifetime Google search history to your colleagues or turn up to work wearing nothing but a pair of bunny ears?

43. Would you rather give up music or give up movies?

44. Would you rather lose your sense of taste (except for vegetables) or lose your sense of smell (except for bad smells)? 

45. Would you rather give up social media or give up your streaming services (Netflix, Amazon, etc)?

46. Would you rather never fall in love or never have professional success?

47. Would you rather be informed of how you’re going to die or stay uninformed?

48. Would you rather have superhuman physical strength or superhuman intelligence?  

49. Would you rather that some of your thoughts be said aloud at random without warning or that your body made spontaneous animal sounds at random without warning?

50. Would you rather give all the money in your bank account to your worst enemy or paint your entire body blue every morning for five years?

51. Would you rather live forever and always be relatively poor or live until 80 as a millionaire?

52. Would you rather have a search engine inside your brain and be able to find the answer to anything in seconds or be able to read people’s thoughts?

53. Would you rather be able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight or transform your body into its ideal, normally unattainable form, but you can still gain weight?

54. Would you rather be able to change your appearance at will or change other people’s appearances at will?

55. Would you rather burp every time you use a word with more than two syllables or have to give up social media for life?


You’re guaranteed to get plenty of laughs and some truly hilarious exchanges by throwing some of these funny “Would you rather?” questions into the conversation.

56. Would you rather fight a lion or fight 1,000 gerbils?

57. Would you rather be trapped in a house with your worst enemy for a year or smell of broccoli for a year?

58. Would you rather run everywhere for the rest of your life or have bright pink teeth for the rest of your life?

59. Would you rather live as if it was opposite day every day for the rest of your life (saying no when you mean yes, etc) or always miss the bus or train for the rest of your life? 

60. Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with your high-school crush or your college crush?

61. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you hear rap music or be forced to sing whenever you hear pop music?

62. Would you rather dress up as a vampire every day to go to work or speak like Yoda at work every day for the rest of your life?

63. Would you rather add the word “literally” to the end of every sentence for the rest of your life or fart loudly every 15 minutes for the rest of your life?

64. Would you rather swim in a pool of Skittles or run along a beach made of marshmallows? 

65. Would you rather have an extra arm or an extra head?

66. Would you rather have straws for hair or no eyebrows for the rest of your life?

67. Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with Harry Potter or Voldemort? 

68. Would you rather always wear clothes that were three sizes too small or always wear clothes that were five sizes too big?

69. Would you rather have smoke appear from your mouth every time you exhale or have smoke come out of your ears every time you need the toilet? 

We all often think about hypothetical scenarios when it comes to our own lives. These lifestyle-related questions will give everything in the conversation plenty to ponder over.

70. Would you rather have your dream job for the rest of your life or $1 million dollars in your bank account?

71. Would you rather live without summer or without winter?

72. Would you rather be famous with an average income or rich and unknown?

73. Would you rather be hated during your lifetime but revered in death or loved in your lifetime but hated in death?

74. Would you rather be rich and alone or poor and in love?

75. Would you rather always be 50 minutes late or always 50 minutes early? 

76. Would you rather never again have to go to the toilet or never again have to take a shower?

77. Would you rather be your own boss and earn little or always work for somebody else but make a good living? 

78. Would you rather have dozens of casual friends but no close friends or one best friend but no casual friends?

79. Would you rather only watch cartoons again for the rest of your life or only watch long, historical movies for the rest of your life? 

80. Would you rather live in a city where nobody spoke your language or live in a city where everybody wanted to talk to you all the time? 

81. Would you rather give up your laptop or give up your shower?

Food is always a great topic of discussion, but these questions are guaranteed to present you all with plenty of conundrums!

82. Would you rather have to eat pizza for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat pizza again?

83. Would you rather be forced to put salt on all your food for the rest of your life or put sugar on all your food for the rest of your life?

84. Would you rather eat every meal for the rest of your life with ketchup or have all your food taste like lemons? 

85. Would you rather that all your food be eye-watering spicy for the rest of your life or that all your food be completely bland for the rest of your life?

86. Would you rather eat 100 hamburgers or 100 donuts?

87. Would you rather give up sweet foods for the rest of your life or give up savory foods for the rest of your life? 

88. Would you rather eat a chicken made of chocolate or a chocolate bar made of chicken?

89. Would you rather only ever eat hot foods for the rest of your life or only ever eat cold foods for the rest of your life?

90. Would you rather have a luxury private chef but hate their cooking or cook for yourself and make the meals that you like?

91. Would you rather eat Chinese food for every meal or never eat Chinese food again?

92. Would you rather never have to pay at a restaurant for one year or have an unlimited gift card that never expires for your favorite restaurant?

93. Would you rather be made of chocolate or marshmallows?

More ‘Would You Rather’ Questions

If you’re keen to keep the conversation open to all avenues, throw some of these random questions into the mix, and see what interesting answers, conversations, and debates they throw up.

94. Would you rather be poor and adored or rich and hated?

95. Would you rather always feel like you need to sneeze or always feel like you need to go to the toilet?

96. Would you rather have your own private jet or your own luxury yacht?

97. Would you rather meet the President of the United States or meet your favorite artist? 

98. Would you rather be a 1950s Hollywood star or a 1960s rock star?

99. Would you rather spend a year of your life in prison or lose a year of your life? 

100. Would you rather always have good teeth or always have good skin?

101. Would you rather get an amazing job because of nepotism or an average job because you worked hard for it?

102. Would you rather have an unlimited gift card for Starbucks or your favorite apparel store?

103. Would you rather fight a human-sized spider or a spider-sized human? 

104. Would you rather turn into stone every time you lie or release pink smoke every time you fart?

105. Would you rather have to travel to work by horseback every day or sneeze every time someone called your name? 

106. Would you rather have your own personal lending library in your house or have your own private movie theater? 

107. Would you rather be able to control fire or control water? 

108. Would you rather live without technology or live without chocolate?

109. Would you rather be the funniest person or the most attractive person in a room of strangers?

110. Would you rather have x-ray vision or sonar hearing?

111. Would you rather be rich doing a terrible job or poor doing your dream job for the rest of your life?

112. Would you rather have a completely automated home but get hacked all the time or a home with absolutely no modern amenities but keep your privacy and personal details completely safe?

113. Would you rather spend a night in a real haunted house or spend the night buried alive?

114. Would you rather live a life of luxury alone on a desert island or a life of poverty surrounded by friends and family?

115. Would you rather eat an entire raw onion or an entire bottle of maple syrup in one go?

116. Would you rather have conversations every day with someone you hate or never have an interesting conversation your whole life with your significant other?

Inject plenty of fun, enthusiasm, and thought-provoking topics into your conversations with these “Would you rather?” questions – you’ll get to know someone a lot more than you thought you ever would!

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Keep these awesome “would you rather?” questions for later reference by saving them to one of your Pinterest boards.

Would you rather questions (questions 1-14 listed above)

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