200+ Never Have I Ever Questions
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Never be stuck for what to ask by having more than a few of these ‘Never Have I Ever Questions’ in your back pocket, and host a truly memorable game that no one will forget in a hurry!

Great for everyone in the room to answer, keep your game of ‘never have I ever’ fast, fun, and captivating with these brilliant questions.
1. Never have I ever cheated on a school test.
2. Never have I ever lied on my CV to get a job.
3. Never have I ever lied during a game of never have I ever.
4. Never have I ever met a celebrity.
5. Never have I ever crashed my car.
6. Never have I ever parked my car illegally without getting caught.
7. Never have I ever lied to a police officer.
8. Never have I ever regifted a present that I didn’t want.
9. Never have I ever lied about breaking something.
10. Never have I ever faked being ill to stay home from school.
11. Never have I ever got into a fistfight or physical fight.
12. Never have I ever made up a rumor about a friend.
13. Never have I ever eaten something raw that isn’t supposed to be eaten raw.
14. Never have I ever hidden a hangover from my parents.
15. Never have I ever sworn at a colleague in anger.
16. Never have I ever dined and dashed at a restaurant.
17. Never have I ever had stitches.
18. Never have I ever intentionally run a red light.
19. Never have I ever dropped litter.
20. Never have I ever kissed my pet on the mouth.
Lots of fun, joy, and revealing truths are guaranteed by bringing more than a few of these fun ‘never have I ever’ questions into your game.
21. Never have I ever told my parents I was going to a friend’s house, then went somewhere else.
22. Never have I ever played a prank on someone.
23. Never have I ever snooped through someone’s text messages.
24. Never have I ever worn pajamas out of the house.
25. Never have I ever cried because of a film or television series.
26. Never have I ever used an old picture of myself on a dating app.
27. Never have I ever borrowed a sibling’s clothing without asking for permission.
28. Never have I ever added hot sauce to someone’s food without them knowing.
29. Never have I ever lied about my real age to buy something.
30. Never have I ever paid for a gym membership that I didn’t use.
31. Never have I ever learned a dance from TikTok.
32. Never have I ever accidentally fallen asleep on the toilet.
33. Never have I ever used a swear word in front of my grandparents.
34. Never have I ever have I avoided an event because I didn’t like someone who was attending.
35. Never have I ever started a social media hashtag.
36. Never have I ever been interviewed by a news reporter.
37. Never have I ever gone hitchhiking.
38. Never have I ever eaten a meal that serves four people to myself.
Funny Never Have I Ever Questions
Prepare for plenty of cackles and ‘laugh out loud’ moments by throwing more than a few of these funny questions into the mix and letting everyone reveal their goofier sides.
39. Never have I ever passed gas in public.
40. Never have I ever burped the alphabet.
41. Never have I ever laughed so hard that I cried.
42. Never have I ever cut my own hair, making it look terrible.
43. Never have I ever thought an animated character was attractive.
44. Never have I ever snorted while laughing really hard.
45. Never have I ever done baby talk with a significant other.
46. Never have I ever lost my sunglasses when they’re on my head.
47. Never have I ever not worn underwear outside of the house.
48. Never have I ever pocket-dialed someone.
49. Never have I ever stayed in my pajamas for more than three days straight.
50. Never have I ever walked around my house completely naked.
51. Never have I ever worn clothes back to front.
52. Never have I ever mistaken a complete stranger for someone I know.
53. Never have I ever starred in a viral video.
54. Never have I ever sung a karaoke song badly in front of a crowd.
55. Never have I ever blamed a fart on the dog.
56. Never have I ever prank-called someone.
57. Never have I ever eaten out-of-date food.
Want to stop your game from veering toward risqué and uncomfortable topics? Keep things on the straight and narrow with these clean ‘never have I ever’ questions that everyone can answer without the game feeling too intrusive.
58. Never have I ever called in sick to work even though I was well enough to do my job.
59. Never have I ever stuck chewing gum under a table.
60. Never have I ever broken the five-second rule to eat something off the floor.
61. Never have I ever dyed my hair.
62. Never have I ever broken a bone.
63. Never have I ever made a speech in front of more than 50 people.
64. Never have I ever jumped in a swimming pool with clothes on.
65. Never have I ever forgotten someone’s name soon after asking them.
66. Never have I ever accidentally stood on a pet.
67. Never have I ever slept in until midday.
68. Never have I ever partied until morning.
69. Never have I ever cheated on a board game.
70. Never have I ever hugged a stranger.
71. Never have I ever got married.
72. Never have I ever received a parking ticket.
73. Never have I ever got detention.
74. Never have I ever done busking on the streets to earn some money.
75. Never have I ever failed a test because I didn’t study for it.
76. Never have I ever tipped a waiter more than 20 percent.
77. Never have I ever been to a gun range.
78. Never have I ever voted in protest.
79. Never have I ever had a secret imaginary friend.
Take your game of ‘never have I ever’ to some forbidden places with some of these naughty questions, and get ready to see everyone playing in a whole new light!
80. Never have I ever cheated on my partner.
81. Never have I ever agreed to a one-night stand.
82. Never have I ever tried a Class A drug.
83. Never have I ever slept with an ex after we broke up.
84. Never have I ever slept with a friend’s ex.
85. Never have I ever flirted with someone I didn’t find attractive to get a free drink.
86. Never have I ever slept with someone and then lied about it to friends.
87. Never have I ever drunk called or drunk texted an ex.
88. Never have I ever used a fake ID to get into a nightclub.
89. Never have I ever stolen something from a shop.
90. Never have I ever stolen something from a friend or family member.
91. Never have I ever hidden on a train to get out of paying.
92. Never have I ever had a threesome.
93. Never have I ever swam naked.
94. Never have I ever been to an adult shop.
95. Never have I ever watched adult content with someone else.
96. Never have I ever been part of a friends-with-benefits agreement.
97. Never have I ever been part of an open relationship.
98. Never have I ever made love in a cinema.
99. Never have I ever made love in a car.
100. Never have I ever done the deed in a bathroom.
101. Never have I ever snuck into an event without paying.
Add a little heat to proceedings with these flirty questions, and learn a few romantic secrets about those playing along the way.
102. Never have I ever had a crush on my friend’s sibling.
103. Never have I ever liked a school teacher romantically.
104. Never have I ever been in love.
105. Never have I ever stalked a crush on social media.
106. Never have I ever worn a particular outfit to impress a crush.
107. Never have I ever kissed multiple people in one night.
108. Never have I ever had a crush on someone in this room.
109. Never have I ever had a kiss under the mistletoe.
110. Never have I ever kissed someone in the rain.
111. Never have I ever kissed someone while keeping my eyes open.
112. Never have I ever kissed someone in this room while drunk.
113. Never have I ever kissed someone in this room while sober.
114. Never have I ever used a dating app.
115. Never have I ever proposed to someone.
116. Never have I ever dated someone I didn’t really like.
117. Never have I ever flirted my way out of a speeding ticket.
118. Never have I ever posted a photo to make a specific person jealous.
Inject plenty of intrigue, and learn some fascinating things about those playing by posing some of these unique ‘never have I ever’ questions to the group.
119. Never have I ever deleted an Instagram post because it didn’t get enough likes.
120. Never have I ever stayed up all night to finish an assignment.
121. Never have I ever been rushed to hospital in an ambulance.
122. Never have I ever been arrested.
123. Never have I ever been on a wildlife safari.
124. Never have I ever accidentally stolen a library book because I forgot to take it back.
125. Never have I ever believed a conspiracy theory that was later proven false.
126. Never have I ever accidentally caused a fire.
127. Never have I ever been caught outside in a thunderstorm.
128. Never have I ever got lost in a national park.
129. Never have I ever owned an exotic animal.
130. Never have I ever turned down a promotion.
131. Never have I ever watched a building demolition.
132. Never have I ever been wild or open water swimming.
133. Never have I ever fainted in a doctor’s office.
134. Never have I ever come first on a video game leaderboard.
135. Never have I ever gone surfing.
136. Never have I ever given a eulogy at a funeral.
137. Never have I ever met a celebrity backstage at a show.
Get ready to learn some interesting and previously unknown things about those playing, and throw some of these ‘never have I ever’ questions into the game.
138. Never have I ever won more than $50 in the lottery.
139. Never have I ever lost more than $100 gambling in one day.
140. Never have I ever slept under the stars.
141. Never have I ever voted in an election.
142. Never have I ever believed in ghosts.
143. Never have I ever joined a protest.
144. Never have I ever had firm words with my boss.
145. Never have I ever started a collection.
146. Never have I ever seen a lunar eclipse.
147. Never have I ever seen a volcano erupting in person.
148. Never have I ever visited Asia.
149. Never have I ever gone camping in the middle of nowhere.
150. Never have I ever experienced an earthquake.
151. Never have I ever watched more than five movies in a row.
152. Never have I ever attended a World Cup football match.
153. Never have I ever slept with my eyes open.
154. Never have I ever finished a marathon.
155. Never have I ever experienced sleep paralysis.
156. Never have I ever tried a juice diet.
157. Never have I ever performed on a stage in front of a large audience.
158. Never have I ever gone vegan.
159. Never have I ever traveled in a helicopter.
You’re sure to turn some cheeks bright red by dropping a few of these embarrassing questions into your game.
160. Never have I ever had a wee in a swimming pool.
161. Never have I ever passed gas in bed while my partner slept.
162. Never have I ever got so drunk that I could barely stand.
163. Never have I ever gone to the toilet outdoors.
164. Never have I ever got an embarrassing tattoo.
165. Never have I ever been stood up on a date.
166. Never have I ever been refused entry to a nightclub because I was too drunk.
167. Never have I ever embarrassed myself on a date.
168. Never have I ever blocked someone’s toilet.
169. Never have I ever not washed my hands after going to the toilet.
170. Never have I ever picked my nose.
171. Never have I ever worn dirty clothes out of my laundry basket.
172. Never have I ever called a teacher “mum” or “dad”.
173. Never have I ever accidentally flashed someone.
174. Never have I ever accidentally walked in on someone on the toilet.
175. Never have I ever walked in on someone doing the deed.
176. Never have I ever walked into a glass door thinking it was open.
177. Never have I ever posted on social media while drunk.
178. Never have I ever made someone laugh in an inappropriate situation.
179. Never have I ever spilled coffee on my keyboard at work.
More Questions
Keep everyone on their toes with some of these random ‘never have I ever’ questions, and be prepared for some intriguing and eye-opening responses.
180. Never have I ever have I purposely acted like I didn’t see someone I know in public because I didn’t want to talk to them.
181. Never have I ever logged into someone’s Netflix profile without their permission to see what they’re watching.
182. Never have I ever created a fake social media account on social media.
183. Never have I ever driven over 100 miles per hour.
184. Never have I ever watched an entire season of a television series in one day.
185. Never have I ever spent more than 8 hours on my phone in one day.
186. Never have I ever overdressed for a party.
187. Never have I ever underdressed for a party.
188. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a text conversation.
189. Never have I ever bought fireworks.
190. Never have I ever gatecrashed a party.
191. Never have I ever messed up a baking recipe.
192. Never have I ever missed my flight.
193. Never have I ever donated more than $100 to charity.
194. Never have I ever rewatched one movie more than 50 times.
195. Never have I ever cried at work.
196. Never have I ever eaten fast food twice in one day.
197. Never have I ever worn designer clothes.
198. Never have I ever pressed all the buttons in an elevator.
199. Never have I ever lost an expensive piece of jewelry and lied about still having it.
200. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter to finish a paper.
201. Never have I ever had a surprise party thrown for me.
202. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
203. Never have I ever gone on a blind date.
204. Never have I ever dated more than one person at the same time.
205. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush and never told them.
206. Never have I ever eaten rotten food because there was nothing else in the house to eat.
207. Never have I ever accidentally eaten someone else’s lunch.
208. Never have I ever re-gifted a gift I got for Christmas from a family member.
209. Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself.
210. Never have I ever gotten on the wrong train home and had to call my parents or someone to come pick me up.
211. Never have I applied to be on a reality TV show.
212. Never have I ever stayed up for an entire night to hit a deadline for school or college.
213. Never have I ever covered for a lying friend to their parents.
214. Never have I ever borrowed one or more of my friend’s belongings and never given them back.
215. Never have I ever accidentally took someone else’s phone home from a friend’s house, event, or gathering.
216. Never have I ever taken a selfie with a famous person.
217. Never have I ever had a bad allergic reaction to something I ate.
Make your upcoming game of ‘never have I ever’ a truly memorable affair by having plenty of these questions in your back pocket, ready to pose to the group.
Whether you want lots of laughs or to spice up the atmosphere, there are 200 intriguing ‘never I have ever’ questions to choose from for any occasion.
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Keep these ‘never have I ever’ questions for safekeeping, ready for an upcoming gathering or slumber party, by saving this article to one of your Pinterest boards.