42 Best Family Reunion Ideas to Make Some Wonderful Memories

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Spend some quality time with the extended family courtesy of these family reunion ideas to help you get everyone together for laughs, games, and bundles of fun.

Family Reunion Ideas (14 ideas from the article).


1. Dress-Up Party

Choose a theme and dress up for your next family reunion. You could choose 60s nostalgia or even the 2000s.

Imagine your grandparents dressed as Britney Spears or the Backstreet Boys! Or maybe you could be aliens from another galaxy and experiment with make-up and costumes.

Once decided, create your own playlist and decorate your house according to the theme. Oh, and remember to stay in character.

Read more: Best Party Themes for Adults

2. Stand-Up Comedy Show

Have you always dreamt of being a comedian? Prepare some skits – you can have fun with costumes and wigs and ask your relatives to join you – and entertain them in short shows.

Don’t forget to record the whole thing to watch it together in the future so that you can all take a trip down memory lane.

3. Karaoke Night

Look up and line up videos with suitable karaoke lyrics on YouTube and enjoy.

This is one of those family reunions that’s guaranteed to have everyone laughing, especially if no member of the family has a real talent for singing!

You can choose songs by famous bands and split the parts to sing, or choose a musical and have fun rehearsing the choreographies.

4. Recreate Film Scenes

Pick a supporting actor and recreate a scene of your choice from a famous film. Use your surroundings as props and improvised costumes, and let your imagination go wild.

Imagine recreating iconic scenes like the one with Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back – laughter guaranteed!

5. Puzzle Competition

Buy some complex puzzles and divide the family into groups – the number depends on how many of you there are.

Establish rewards for the winners and penalties for the losers (whoever loses will have to clean the house, for example).

Then set a timer and start the competition. Wait until all groups have finished – in case there are more than two – and then make a ranking. Keep track of the record for the next time!

Related: Best Party Games for Adults to Try


6. Everyone Brings Food

If you’re hosting a large group or have a large family, this is a great reunion idea. Each person or family can bring their favorite dish so that everyone can have a taste of it.

If you have any relatives who are originally from another country, it would be exciting for them to bring a typical dish or traditional meal from their homeland.

This way, you can find out what your relatives like and also discover the reasons behind it – whether it is a dish linked to a fond memory, a trip, or whatever.

7. Portraits

There is nothing more entertaining than finding out what a family member looks like in the eyes of the other ones – especially the little ones!

Write all the names on small pieces of paper, wrap them up, and place them in a bowl. Everyone will have to pick a name that is not their own. Then arm yourselves with paper, pencils, and crayons, and let the fun begin!

8. Treasure Hunt

For a memorable reunion idea, host your own treasure hunt. Create clues and then spread them around the house – if you have a garden, even better.

This is one of those fun activities both children and adults can enjoy. You could even create some riddles if you want to make it more challenging. The kids could cooperate to find the next one and finally find the prize at the end of it all.

9. Decorate Objects

Everyone can bring an object they would like to have customized and then pass it on to another family member to decorate. It could be something meaningful, a thrift store purchase, or something that was lying around the house.

You could try your hand at decoupage or add dried flowers or small decorations to glue on. Whatever you decorate, there’s plenty of fun to be had with your other family members.


10. Look at Old Photo Albums

Ask everyone to bring old photo albums and travel down memory lane together. It is a nice way for adults to share their past experiences with the younger generation and give them a glimpse of life during their childhood.

11. Watch Family Videos from VHS, DVD, and Phones in a Movie-Style Screening

Another way to share memories and revisit them is to watch old cassettes or DVDs.

Who didn’t have a small video camera that they used to bring to family gatherings? And it’s even better when that someone has captured an embarrassing moment forever! The younger ones could even attempt a montage of the most recent videos to make the rest of the family laugh.

12. Share Funny Anecdotes

Remember that time you and your cousins made a mess behind your parents’ backs and dodged the bullet? The time has come to spill the beans and make everyone laugh.

You will be surprised how many things your parents have kept hidden from you, or just how they were somehow worse than you when they were your age!

13. Take Funny Pictures

Take lots and lots of photos of your family and you during happy moments. If you are a photography enthusiast, buy a Polaroid and give the pictures to your relatives as a present, writing something funny on them to remember the event.


14. The Forehead Game

This is a game where the only things you need are a pen and paper. Everyone has to write the name of a character, whether it really exists or is fictional, and then pass the note to someone else who holds it up on their forehead (without reading it themselves).

Each person must then guess the character they have been assigned by asking questions.

15. The Imitation Game

Split into teams. The adversary team chooses something or someone to imitate and passes it on to an opponent. The latter must make their teammates guess it without speaking, but only by gesturing and miming with their bodies.

As fun family reunion games go, this is a total hoot, particularly if someone has to imitate a certain character from a cartoon or TV show.

16. Empty Fridge Meals

Take whatever you find in the fridge and challenge yourselves to come up with a new and exciting recipe.

You could even turn it into a cooking competition and have some family members act as judges. You will be surprised at what you can make from ingredients that supposedly do not go well together!

17. Drawing Game

This game is known for being one of the favorite family reunion games and is similar to the Imitation Game.

Again, split into teams, but this time, instead of mimicking, you have to draw someone or something, with your team trying to guess what the picture is. If you want to make it even more difficult, you can draw blindfolded.


18. Happy Hour

Prepare your favorite drinks – alcoholic and non-alcoholic – as well as some snacks, and then toast along with your family over video chat.

It’s a nice way to spend the evening in good company and not eat alone if you are all in different cities or countries or simply have busy lives.

19. Play Online Games

You will be surprised by the number of online games you can play. Some are individual ones where you have to allow yourself to be creative, while others require strategy and concentration.

Synchronize via video call – Discord is great for this kind of thing – and get ready for lots of good laughs.

20. Watch a Movie

Nowadays, there are several ways to watch a movie together from a distance. Among them, if everyone has a Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, HBO Max, or Amazon Prime subscription, you can download a Chrome extension called Teleparty and enjoy the show with your loved ones.

As an alternative, you can always share your screen and watch funny videos on YouTube, or everyone can share their favorite music videos with one another.

21. The Slideshow of Shame

This is for those who are proficient with computers. If you are handy with PowerPoint, you can create a hilarious slideshow with the most embarrassing photos of your loved ones, accompanied by captions and funny graphics.

If you like editing videos, you can do the same with them and add music and sound effects.

22. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

Take your outdoor treasure hunt online with a virtual scavenger hunt for one of the best family reunion activities you can do online.

Split everyone into teams, and set a series of clues, challenges, and questions for the teams to try and solve. You can keep things varied and suitable for all age groups, meaning everyone can get involved.


23. Barbecue

If you’re looking for simple yet fun family reunion activities, there is nothing quite like a backyard barbecue if the weather is warm. Be sure to check if any family member attending has food allergies, and prepare a big shopping list.

Treat yourself and every single family member to a delightful feast of grilled meat and fish, roasted vegetables, and various salads and vegetarian or vegan options, if required. Enjoy great conversation, sit out on the deck, put on some music, and play fun board games in the heat of the sun.

24. Create Cocktails and Mocktails

Any family gathering worth the name will include plenty of drinks. Buy alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and then have fun experimenting by mixing different ingredients.

Be sure to buy something for the little ones as well and let them have fun playing around. You could even come up with a new cocktail and make it the official drink at your get-togethers!

25. Visit a New Town

Take a look at nearby towns or places of interest you can easily reach by car and organize a family excursion.

You can take a break from city life and enjoy the sea, the mountains, or the countryside, depending on where you live.

And once you have chosen a destination, you can see if there is any traditional local food to try, special places to see, or activities for tourists.

26. Go Camping

Camping is always a fun idea that all different age groups can get involved in. Get everyone informed, choose a spot, and load up the cars for a weekend getaway with the whole family.

Some places offer small accommodations that are also pet-friendly, so you can take your furry friends with you at all times.

Stock up on marshmallows and fun games, and get ready for stories around the campfire and plenty of laughs and good times.

27. Picnic

A pleasant picnic in a nearby park or scenic area is an excellent budget option for your family get-together or next reunion.

If possible, bring some speakers along to set the mood with some lively music, and if you’re thinking about what to pack, use our ultimate list of picnic foods to help you pack a hamper that everyone can enjoy.

Read more: Best Picnic Essentials and Accessories


28. Cards Against Humanity – Family Edition

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While Cards Against Humanity is definitely not for the faint-hearted, if you have teenagers in the family and parents and grandparents with a more risque sense of humor, this classic game could bring plenty of laughs and fun to your family gathering.

29. Exploding Kittens

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A card version of the Russian roulette… with kittens. The party version allows up to 10 players, but there are several expansion packs. The gameplay is quite fast and the fun is guaranteed.

30. UNO

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This is one of the best family reunion games and a real classic that everyone can enjoy. The game has a maximum of ten players, but if you have several decks, you can organize tournaments and challenge each other until the best player wins!

If you want to add some spice, you can play the extreme version, which throws cards in the air via a card launcher.

31. Throw Throw Burrito

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Described as the world’s first card dodgeball game, this game requires opponents to collect cards in the shortest time possible. The cards you collect earn you points, which you lose if you get hit by a squishy burrito. Suitable for ages 7+, this game is a breath of fresh air and can entertain both kids and adults.

32. Bingo

Who doesn’t love a game of bingo? There is no limit of players, and it is suitable for all ages. Plan prizes for both the finalists and overall winner, and prepare for plenty of a healthy dose of family competition.

More Ideas

Still looking for inspiration for a future family reunion you’re eager to plan? Take a look at some of these fun and creative ideas, and see if any tick some boxes and generate some excitement.

33. Organize a Whole Family Photo Shoot with a Professional Photographer in the Garden

34. Host a Family Talent Show and Get the Grandparents to Judge

35. Host an Outdoor Movie Night with Movies from Different Generations

36. Host a Baby Picture Contest

37. Gather Different Recipes and Create a Family Recipe Book

38. Host a Family Olympics with an Obstacle Course, Sack Race, and Other Events

39. Host a Dance Party with Music from Different Eras

40. Have an Arts and Crafts Afternoon and Design a Family Crest

41. Host a Family Trivia Quiz Evening

42. Assemble an In-Person Family Tree in the Garden and Photograph from Above

Family reunions are so important to create memories and give everyone in the extended family the opportunity to spend quality time together, especially if certain members live far away.

These are some of the best family reunion ideas to get you excited and energized about bringing the whole family together and spending time in fun and exciting ways.

Be sure to take as many photos as possible, line up more than a few ideas for the afternoon, evening, or weekend, and have an amazing time making memories with everyone.

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Looking to get inspired for an upcoming family reunion? Keep these ideas for safekeeping by saving this article to one of your Pinterest boards.

Family Reunion Ideas (14 ideas from the article).

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