100+ Get Well Wishes and Messages for Friends

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Want to wish someone a speedy recovery but can’t quite find the words? There’s over 100 get well wishes and messages for friends below you can use. These messages can send them positive energy and let them know you’re thinking of them.

Get Well Wishes and Messages

list of 55 get well wishes and messages split over simple, sweet, and inspirational categories


1. Take your time getting well! 

2. Miss you and hope you feel better soon. 

3. Hoping you’ll be back to your amazing self in no time! 

4. Sending you all the healthy and healing vibes. 

5. Good luck with the healing process, my friend. 

6. Take all the time you need. 

7. Keep fighting, and you’ll be back on track in no time! 

8. Better days are coming. 

9. Grateful for your presence and hope you start feeling like yourself again soon. 

10. I can’t imagine what you are going through, but I can promise that you don’t have to do it alone.

Get well wishes for friends (list of 10 messages from article).

11. Make sure to get lots of rest! 

12. I am sorry to hear you are unwell and hope that it doesn’t last for much longer! 

13. Sending you all my love and wishes for a quick recovery! 

14. Get ready for the world’s biggest hug once you’re finally feeling better. 

15. Looking forward to you coming back stronger and healthier than before. 

16. Even the strongest person gets sick sometimes. 

17. I’m here for you for whatever you need.

18. Please accept my good wishes and get healthy soon. 

19. I know you’ll be back on your feet in no time, friend! 

20. Don’t forget, tomorrow’s a new day and another step closer to you feeling better. 

Sweet and Thoughtful

21. You’re in all of our thoughts. 

22. Get well soon, my life is boring without you! 

23. You mean the world to me, feel better soon. 

24. Hoping to see your smiling face soon. 

25. Looking forward to having your light back in my life. 

26. I hope things start looking up for you, friend. 

27. Hoping to bring some sunshine to your day and remind you that you are missed by so many. 

28. Another day without you is another day I’m reminded of what an incredible friend you are. 

29. I hope my well-wishes can cheer you into feeling just a bit better. 

30. To help you heal, I’m sending you all my love and support⁠ — and some of your favorite treats. I know that’s the best part. 

31. So sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Please let me know if I can help. 

32. I hope that this note lifts your spirits in the same way that you always lift mine! 

33. I’ll feel better when you do, so get well soon, friend! 

34. I hope things will be back to normal before you know it. 

35. I’m wishing on every star that you feel better soon. 

36. Thinking of you during this difficult time. 

37. May you bounce back to your regular day-to-day self in no time! 

38. Just checking in to let you know I’m thinking of you every day and wishing you a speedy recovery.

39. If anyone deserves total health and happiness, it’s you, and I hope you get it soon. 

40. Just wanted to remind you that you’re not alone, and I’m going to be here for you every step of the way. 


41. Hoping you find strength in each new day. 

42. You are my biggest supporter, and I want you to know that I am yours too. Please let me know if I can help. 

43. You are one of the strongest people I know. 

44. I hope you recover sooner rather than later so we can get back to taking on the world together! 

45. After everything we’ve been through, just know that I’m not leaving your side until you come out to the end of this stronger than ever before. 

46. Your only job right now is to rest and get better. 

47. If you need someone to rely on, you will always have me. 

48. I can be strong enough for both of us while you focus on resting, okay? 

49. I hope to be as brave as you when I face my own challenges one day. 

50. No matter how hard things get, you’ll always be my best friend and I’ll always be there for you.

51. Just a reminder that I will be here for you during your lowest and your highest points. 

52. What you’re going through now is no match for how strong you are. Just try to stay hopeful and fighting, and know that I’m rooting for you. 

53. Don’t forget that brighter days are ahead of you, my friend. 

54. Take it one day at a time, and I know you can do this! 

55. I know it’s gray and stormy right now, but the sun always comes out eventually. You will get through this. 

56. Words can only do so much, but I hope my words can remind you how many people have your back through all this! 

57. Thanks for being a light in my life no matter what! I’m sorry to hear you’re unwell but hoping you can use this time to recharge. 

58. I believe in you completely, and I know you’ll be feeling better soon!

59. You are such an inspiration to me and many others for how strong you’ve been through all this!

60. Your strength and resilience and the love of all of us around you will get you through this tough time!

After Surgery

61. Best wishes for a fast and full recovery! 

62. You’ve made it through the hardest part! Now you can focus on getting well again. 

63. I’m so proud of you, and I can’t wait until you’re ready for visitors again!

64. I heard your surgery went well, and I am so happy for you. I am here for you if you need anything during your time of healing. 

65. I hope your recovery goes well, I’m sure you’ll be back up and at it in no time! 

66. So happy to hear you’re on the mend. 

67. I am amazed by your strength and sending you encouragement for the rest of the healing journey. 

68. Never forget, each day is a day closer to recovery. 

69. Wishing you a smooth healing process, and I’m so proud of you for getting through surgery like the trooper that you are. 

70. You’ve always been my role model, and this just makes me even more certain that I made the right choice. Don’t forget how strong you are and how many people are impressed by you in these tough times. 

71. Way to show that surgery who’s boss! I am so glad to hear it went well. 

72. If anyone could get through all of this with such grace, I always knew it would be you. 

73. Congratulations on the surgery going well, and here’s to resting up! 

74. You’ve been through so much already, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. You’ve got this, friend! 

75. Surgery is so scary, and I know you handled everything with such strength and bravery. Just remember, it’s behind you now, and I hope that the recovery process treats you right.

76. Hoping your days are full of love and peace after the surgery, friend.

77. Sending my thoughts and prayers for a quick and uneventful recovery. 

78. Hearing the surgery went well was the best news I got this year. You are amazing. 

79. Please don’t be too hard on yourself, and take all the time you need to feel better. 

80. Recovery is a difficult process, and I will be here for you every step of the way. That’s a promise. 


81. Feel better soon! 

82. Thinking of you, friend. 

83. Sending lots of love. 

84. Wishing you well. 

85. You’ve got this! 

86. Sending you good vibes. 

87. Take extra good care. 

88. Hang in there!

89. Keep your spirits high. 

90. I believe in you. 

91. Take care!

92. Chin up, friend. 

93. Don’t forget, you’re not alone. 

94. You are so strong! 

95. I’m here for you. 

96. So sorry you’re going through this. 

97. Take it slow. 

98. Don’t give up hope. 

99. You are one tough cookie! 

100. Take it easy! 


101. All of this trouble just to get some time off work? Seriously though, I can’t wait until you’re feeling better. 

102. Praying you get better soon so I can go back to being the center of attention! 

103. If you thought this was going to make me just forgive you for our last argument… it totally did! Please get better soon so we can find something else stupid to argue about. 

104. You might feel better faster if you stop looking up your symptoms online. 

105. I guess germs find you as irresistible as I do! 

106. I promise I won’t pretend that I can cook for you. Once you’re feeling better, how does takeout sound? 

107. I’m going to be by your side until you get tired of me! 

108. Get well soon, we still have a lot more trouble to cause by the end of this year! 

109. Hey, at least you finally get to use up your sick time by actually being sick. 

110. I hope you’re ready to see more of me because I won’t be leaving you alone for awhile after all this passes! 

111. So when are you going to feel well enough for me to make fun of you again? 

112. If I told you this was a competition, would that be enough to cure you? 

113. At least you have the perfect excuse to binge-watch your favorite shows again!

114. Milk this illness while you can — you know that’s what I would do. 

115. All this just to get some time away from me? I never knew you felt so strongly toward me! 

116. When I said you deserve a break, this is not what I had in mind. 

117. Feel better soon so I don’t get sick from missing you so much! 

118. I always thought that you were invincible; now I know that you’re human too! Here’s to healing! 

119. Hope you haven’t forgotten about me already, because I miss you now more than ever!

It can sometimes be hard to articulate yourself when someone you care about is going through a difficult time and needs to get better.

Hopefully, these 100+ messages will help you find the right message to help give a friend strength, courage, and love while they’re on the mend.

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Get well wishes for friends (list of 10 messages from article).

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