120 Good Morning Wishes and Messages to Send to Loved Ones

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These thoughtful good morning wishes or messages can help your sleepy head partner or dear friend start the morning the right way.

They are ideal for sending over text or saying in person. I love to say something like this to hubby in the morning. I’ll also send these messages to family members. It’s kind of amazing how much of a smile they can put on someone’s face.

Good Morning Wishes and Messages

Good Morning Wishes and Messages (list from the article).


1. Welcome to the start of a wonderful day!

good morning message - Welcome to the start of a wonderful day!

2. How does coffee and breakfast sound to start off our day together?

good morning message - How does coffee and breakfast sound to start off our day together?

3. Can’t wait to make this day even better than the last. 

good morning message - Can’t wait to make this day even better than the last

4. Wishing you the perfect start to your day. 

good morning message - Wishing you the perfect start to your day

5. Good morning to you, and hope your day is full of happiness and love. 

6. You deserve nothing but a perfect day, and that’s what I am praying you will get. 

7. The most important meal of the day is breakfast; why don’t we go get some together? I would love to spend my morning with you. 

8. Good morning to the one who makes all my worries disappear.

9. Time to wake up and get started on making this one of the best days ever! I can’t wait to spend this time with you. 

10. The sun is shining, and it’s time to start our exciting day together. 

11. Good morning to the absolute smartest and strongest person I know. 

12. Hoping that your morning is great and that your day continues on to be even better. It’s what you deserve! 

13. Thinking of you on this wonderful morning. 

14. Hi there, sunshine. I hope your day goes well from start to finish. 

15. Wishing a lovely morning to your incredible self! 

16. Sending you all my well wishes on this spectacular morning!

17. Good morning to the coolest person I know. I hope you have a great day up ahead, full of nothing but positive energy. 

18. You always make my day with your kind words, and I’m hoping to return the favor and give you something nice to wake up to. Good morning to someone so incredibly thoughtful, caring, and important to me! Wishing you nothing but happiness on this day and many more to come. 

19. Good morning to the person who makes every day brighter. 

20. Sending you wishes for a peaceful and relaxing start to your day today! 


21. Good morning to the most amazing part of my day. 

22. You even look perfect when you’re sleeping. 

23. Good morning to the love of my life, and here’s to another day we get to spend together. 

24. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing — still, none of it compares to your smiling face. 

25. I’ve been dreaming of you all night and now thinking of you all morning. I hope your morning is filled with as much joy as I am filled with by the thought of you. 

26. Waking up with you has helped me become a morning person. 

27. Open those dreamy eyes, and let’s get this day started! I have so many plans for us. 

28. Good morning from me, and sending all my love to you! 

29. No better day than a day when I see you — I can’t wait to get this one started!

30. My morning gets infinitely better whenever you’re in it, and I hope to help make your day as special as you always make mine. 

31. Good morning to my special someone — I hope your day is as special as you are! 

32. I can’t help but be reminded of you on a beautiful morning like this one. 

33. You make even the most gloomy mornings feel like my own personal paradise. 

34. Breakfast in bed or out to brunch? Either way, I want to treat you to the perfect morning and start your day off on the right note. 

35. Seeing you in the morning is enough to brighten even my darkest hours! Thank you for being such a light in my life. 

36. Good morning to the person who makes every day feel like a dream come true. 

37. How lucky am I to get to wake up thinking of you! I hope your morning is filled with happy thoughts like mine is! 

38. A morning with you is a blessing! Feeling so grateful for waking up with you today. 

39. I want to help you have a peaceful and relaxing morning fit for royalty! It’s what you deserve, my love! 

40. Good morning to the one I love the most in all of the universe. 


41. The sun has risen, and now it’s your turn! 

42. I know you’ve heard so much about how important getting a full night of sleep is, but a full night of sleep doesn’t mean you have to sleep all day! 

43. My love for you is almost as strong as your love for sleep. Almost — I know I can’t quite compete, no matter how hard I try. 

44. I know that you hate mornings, but at least you get to be one step closer to seeing me! 

45. Is it just me, or is it time for coffee already?

46. The best part about waking up is: none of it. So I’m wishing you the best of luck this morning! 

47. My love language is hitting the snooze button just one more time. 

48. Just because it’s called beauty sleep doesn’t mean you get to do it all day! 

49. The morning might be the worst part of the day, but at least we can all make it shorter by sleeping in! 

50. Wishing you a good morning and that you are fully caffeinated by the time we get together later. It’s for your own good. 

51. As long as you wake up in time for brunch, I think you’re making the right decisions in life. 

52. Texting you good morning is really my way of holding myself accountable for getting out of bed on time. 

53. Hope you have a good morning, and don’t forget that your mood will be lifted once you have food in you! 

54. Good morning to the only person who can convince me to wake up before ten. 

55. Good morning to the funniest person I know — that is, other than myself, of course. 

56. Mornings aren’t for everyone, and they’re definitely not for me! How does lunch sound instead of breakfast? 

57. The night is young and… oh wait! It’s morning already! Good morning, I suppose! 

58. Hoping your morning is better than mine — I spilled my coffee and my breakfast, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pull off. 

59. Good morning to someone who I know won’t be awake to read this! 

60. Just remember, there’s no such thing as too much coffee. 


61. Good morning, sunshine! 

62. Happy new day! 

63. Good morning to you. 

64. Wishing you a blessed morning. 

65. Let’s make today a good day. 

66. Rise and shine! 

67. Up and ‘at em! 

68. Time for breakfast! 

69. Top of the morning to you! 

70. I can’t wait for today with you!

71. Good morning to my favorite person. 

72. Hooray for today! 

73. Let’s start this day right. 

74. Hope you slept perfectly! 

75. Sending you good vibes for today. 

76. Have a lovely morning! 

77. Time to wake up! 

78. Hope your morning is perfect. 

79. Good morning, sweetheart! 

80. Have a great morning! 

For Her

81. I can’t wait to spend this beautiful morning with you. 

82. Good morning to my queen. 

83. Good morning, beautiful! I hope your sleep was rejuvenating and that you feel perfectly well-rested. 

84. Thank you for being my reason to wake up in the morning!

85. Wishing a beautiful morning to your beautiful self. 

86. Is it just me, or did you somehow get even prettier overnight?

87. Good morning, my angel! I am so unbelievably blessed to have you in my life. 

88. Hoping to help make your morning just as sweet as your dreams were last night. 

89. Good morning to a woman I am so grateful for. Nothing makes me happier than a morning spent by your side! 

90. I didn’t even know that mornings could be such an amazing part of my day until I started spending them with you. 

91. You make every morning truly magical, my love! I hope I can make your morning just as magical. 

92. Even the sunrise this morning can’t compare to the moment when I see your shining face. Good morning, sweetheart. 

93. Rise and shine and come enjoy the breakfast I prepared for you! 

94. There’s nothing in the world that could make my morning better than you already do. 

95. Good morning to a super sweet, super kind, and super cute person whom I love so much! Yes, I’m talking about you! 

96. Good morning to the best part of my morning, day and night. 

97. I hope your day is full of love and all the things that make you happy. 

98. Just wanted to pop in and wish you the best morning ever. 

99. Good morning to the most gorgeous girl in the whole entire world! 

100. You deserve a perfect day, and that all starts with an amazing morning. So good morning, my love! 

For Him

101. Nothing makes me happier than getting to wake up to you every morning. 

102. Good morning to the one who makes getting up in the morning so special!

103. Good morning to my king. 

104. If I could spend my morning with anyone in the world, I would end up choosing you every time. 

105. I hope you slept well last night and that you woke up feeling refreshed on this fine morning! 

106. Good morning to my hero! 

107. Good morning to the most handsome man in all the galaxies. 

108. No amount of coffee or breakfast can surpass how much better my morning gets when I finally see you! 

109. Thank you for being such a hard worker, and I hope that this morning you get some much-needed peace and quiet! 

110. Wishing the best morning ever to the best person in the world! 

111. The best part about my morning is that I get to see you. Good morning, babe! 

112. There’s a big day ahead of us, so let’s get our morning started off right! 

113. Good morning to the smartest and most caring man I’ve ever met! Thank you for making every day amazing in its own way. 

114. My life is like the movies when I’m with you! Here’s to another incredible day together! 

115. Good morning, babe — I hope your day is full of good memories, and I can’t wait to see you soon. 

116. Good morning to my one and only! 

117. Every morning is a dream when I’m with you. 

118. Good morning to my inspiration in life! 

119. I see someone’s been getting their beauty sleep! You are looking more and more handsome every day! 

120. You are perfect for me, and I hope this morning can be perfect for you. 

Early mornings should be a time for fresh starts and positive thinking. Sometimes, mind you, we all need a little nudge in the right direction.

These messages and wishes of good will can help anyone, no matter how they slept, set a positive, optimistic tone for the rest of the day.

All they take are a few seconds to say or send, but they can have a huge impact on someone’s day. I’ve loved making this a regular habit, and I’d recommend you try it too!

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Keep these good morning wishes and messages for safekeeping by saving this article to one of your positive thinking boards.

Good Morning Wishes and Messages (list from the article).

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