Colorful Daily Planner Printable to Seize the Day and Achieve Your Goals

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Make your days super productive with our daily planner printable to get on top of work and life priorities.

Daily Planner Printable

Daily planner printable mockup
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Having big, long-term goals is always important. But if you don’t get your day-to-day tasks organized and completed, you’ll never be able to reach those bigger goals.

This is where a daily planner printable can change your life, for the better!

If all the little work and life tasks constantly overwhelm you, planning out your day the night before will allow you to take on the day with confidence and clarity.

A daily planner will also help you prioritize what needs to be done straight away and what can wait until later.

This is often the reason we have unproductive days. Sometimes, there is so much to do, we are paralyzed into making a decision about what to do first.

Daily Planner close-up

With our daily planner, you can plan ahead for a day of both productivity and self-care.

When it comes to tasks and to-dos, you can separate them into either work to-do’s or to-do’s relating to life admin, health, finance, and so forth.

However, you can also single out three top priorities for the day. That way, you can focus on getting those to-dos done first, and then move to your other tasks.

Once each task is done, you can color or check the circles to mark it off your list. There’s something so satisfying about coloring in dots and circles!

For those small reminders and notes, you can cast your attention to the bottom of the printable.

In the ‘remember to call/msg’ section, you can quickly jot those reminders down of people you need to contact, email back, or reach out to.

And the ‘notes and thoughts’ section you can use for thoughts, journaling, quick notes, or whatever else you like.

Daily Planner close-up

When we are busy, it is very easy to slip into bad habits and forget some simple self-care measures.

With our planner, you can also track your water and fruit/veg intake. That way, you can work towards your 8 glasses of water and 5 fruit or vegetables every day.

Finally, once the day is complete and all your tasks are taken care of, remember to reward yourself. It is important to treat yourself for hitting targets.

Once you start using your daily planner printable, you can very easily print out a set for the week or the month.

Daily Planner close-up
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As you fill your daily planners, you can keep them all in a box or folder. Looking back over the days and weeks and seeing how much you have achieved is so rewarding.

However, if you want to save paper, laminating your daily planner is a great way to do this.

If you write on your printable with washable markers, you can wipe down the planner at the end of the day and set new goals for the following day.

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However you use printables, there is no doubting that visualizing and prioritizing your tasks every day will help you stay focussed, gain clarity, and track your progress.

If you plan your days and track your small goals, the larger, more aspirational goals will soon follow suit.

Our daily planner gives you everything you need to get on top of both your work, and your life admin. Get on top of your everyday to-dos, and in time you’ll see the rewards!

Want to start planning your days to improve productivity and get stuff done? Save this article to one of your Pinterest boards for later reference.

Printable Daily Planner by Ordinary & Happy (pin)